Trick or Treat!

Baka, baka, baka, cockle-doodle-doo! Guess who might be the funniest chicken ever! It took me a little while to get the hang of this trick or treat thing, but once my friend Halimah was with me, and people started giving me candy, I couldn't get enough. "New house daddy! New house daddy!" No, that wasn't Mommy asking Daddy to buy a new house again, I was ready to go to another house for more candy! I had so much fun! After I was all tired out (chickens can't fly and they get very tired from walking) my friends Mackenzie and Riley - two really cute cats - came to visit. I had a great Halloween, and even though I was excited and full of sugar, I fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow. I can't wait till next year!