Sunday, November 05, 2006

Trick or Treat!

Baka, baka, baka, cockle-doodle-doo! Guess who might be the funniest chicken ever! It took me a little while to get the hang of this trick or treat thing, but once my friend Halimah was with me, and people started giving me candy, I couldn't get enough. "New house daddy! New house daddy!" No, that wasn't Mommy asking Daddy to buy a new house again, I was ready to go to another house for more candy! I had so much fun! After I was all tired out (chickens can't fly and they get very tired from walking) my friends Mackenzie and Riley - two really cute cats - came to visit. I had a great Halloween, and even though I was excited and full of sugar, I fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow. I can't wait till next year!

A Nice Summer October Day

The weekend before Halloween, my Godfather and his family came down from cold and rainy Oregon. The weather was absolutely perfect so we went down to Oceanside to hang out with the Brennans at the family beach house. (My Daddy still wonders why they haven't moved back to sunny southern California.) I got to play on the beach, run in the water, and best of all, I played with Bill, Duke, and Breann and a whole bunch of other kids who brought their parents down to visit. While Daddy and his friends tried to relive their college years, we played and played. Can't wait to see everyone again soon!